Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cutie Sweets

I just finished up a trade with the lovely Gina Smith of Cutie Sweets. I met her on DeviantArt when I posted up my No Face plush. Some back story first!

By nature I am a clutter bug. I pridefully call it "organized chaos" but it is pretty much clutter. When I craft, my desk becomes an explosion of embroidery thread, needles, glue, yarn bits, felt and all sorts of tools. I recently cleaned up, and I still have half of a crochet robot, balls of scrap yarn, a pattern or two, and a couple chocolate wrappers. I'm attempting to remedy my habits. John playfully picks on me because I'm the same way in the kitchen. I should be "working clean".

This winter my crochet needle case fell apart. I had been using the plastic monstrosity they came in since I got them as a gift two years ago. My mother has the same set that she bought in the 70's. Boye's needles are still wonderful but the quality of their packaging has suffered over the years. Instead of a nice box, the flimsy plastic gave way to wear. I finally had an excuse to look into something nice for myself on Etsy. Sadly, all the creations I found didn't seem to fit me right. The fabric was either mallard ducks or bursts of pink girly flowers. Too small or much too complicated. I pretty much gave up and started using a storage Ziploc.

When Gina and I's mutual love of Miyazaki brought us together, I couldn't help but suggest an art trade. She was open to making a case, something she had never done before. I think she must have gotten in to my head somehow because she chose the most perfect fabric, buttons and ribbon. I didn't mind fussing over No Face's tiny felt features because I was so excited to see what she would come up with.

It arrived on Friday. Reaction photos as follows:

The case is beautiful and large enough to hold not only my crochet needles, but stitch markers, scissors (both sewing and embroidery), sewing and embroidery needles. With room to spare! Gina also popped in a cute little surprise of a H hook. It was like Christmas morning, my dear readers.

While clearly deft with a sewing machine, Gina makes the most adorable food accessories. Shes sells bags, home goods, key chains, and electronic covers. Here is a sample of her latest work:

Toasty Trio!
I encourage you all to check out her Etsy shop!

Over all, my first art trade was awesome. I can't thank Gina enough! I have another in the works for a project bag in exchange for two dragons. I hope it goes as wonderfully as this has :) If you would like to do an art trade with me, feel free to contact me!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! You are too Sweet! :D It was a pleasure doing an art trade with you!
